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Utils are utility or helper functions that simplify coding tasks.

  • Common utility functions should be placed in the app/utils/ folder.
  • Core functions, especially those related to extending the Arkalos framework, should go into the app/core/ folder. For example, you can override the default config() function behavior by implementing your own version.

Available Utils

All utility functions can be imported directly from Arkalos:

from arkalos import config, env, dd, var_dump, base_path, get_data_schema

Utility Functions

  • config('config_file.key') - Retrieves a configuration value.
  • env('ENV_KEY') - Fetches an environment variable.
  • var_dump(variable) - Displays the contents of a variable for debugging.
  • dd(variable) - Dumps a variable and stops execution.
  • base_path() - Returns the string of the current base path to the project root. Optionally, can accept an argument.
  • get_data_schema(data) -> Polars Schema - Infers data structure from the first rows of the data and returns polars.Schema object.

dd() Function

The dd() function (short for "dump and die") calls var_dump(), but also halts script execution. It is useful for debugging and testing.

Functional Programming (FP) Utils

Also can be directly imported from the Arkalos:

from arkalos import partial, compose, pipe
  • partial(function, {args}) - Partial Application of a function where a new function is created and certain arguments are fixed. Great for composition or passing functions or classes as arguments into other functions while setting arguments to specific values. (it is a function from functools module)
  • compose(function1, function2, ...) - Applies functions right to left.
  • pipe(function1, function2, ...) - Applies functions left to right.

Debugging and Logs

Next, explore more debugging and logging tools in the Logs & Debugging section.