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AI Agents

AI Agents are intelligent controllers that connect different tasks, process user input, and generate meaningful responses. They act like a human assistant.

They can operate in different environments, such as a command-line console, a web browser, a virtual gaming world or simulation, or even a real physical world like robots and autonomous vehicles.

Arkalos includes built-in AI Agents like DWHAgent, which allows users to interact with their data using natural language.

Let's create our own AI Agent.

Creating an AI Agent

To create an agent, implement the AIAgent contract and define the following methods:

  • NAME: A unique name for the agent.
  • DESCRIPTION: A brief explanation of what the agent does.
  • __init__(): The initialization method where tasks and environment are defined.
  • action(user_input): The method that processes user input and runs tasks.

Example: Simple Calculator Agent

Create a new file: app/ai/agents/

from import AIAgent, ConsoleEnv
from import CalcTask

class MyAgent(AIAgent):
    def NAME(self):
        return "MyAgent"

    def DESCRIPTION(self):
        return "A calculator agent."

    def __init__(self):
        self._env = ConsoleEnv(
            "Hi, I am a calculator. What do you want to calculate?", 
        self._tasks = {
            "calc": CalcTask(),

    def action(self, user_input):
        output = self.runTask("calc", user_input)

Running the Agent

Create a script and run the agent:

from import MyAgent

agent = MyAgent()

Run the script:

uv run scripts/ai/

Defining the Environment and Tasks

In the __init__() method, you need to specify:

  • Environment: Defines where and how the agent operates. ConsoleEnv provides a basic terminal chat interface.
  • Tasks: The set of actions the agent can perform.

For ConsoleEnv provide:

  • The agent's name.
  • A greeting message displayed at startup.
  • The action() method, which runs each time the user inputs a message.

Multi-Task AI Agent

A multi-task agent can determine user intent and execute the appropriate task.

Arkalos includes a whichTask() method that uses AI to identify the correct task from the list of registered tasks.

Example: Multi-Task AI Agent

from import AIAgent, ConsoleEnv
from import CalcTask
from import WhatIsMyIpTask

class MultiAgent(AIAgent):
    def NAME(self):
        return "MultiAgent"

    def DESCRIPTION(self):
        return "An agent that understands user intent and selects the right task."

    def __init__(self):
        self._env = ConsoleEnv(
            "Hi, I can tell you your IP address or do math calculations.",
        self._tasks = {
            "what_is_my_ip": WhatIsMyIpTask(),
            "calc": CalcTask(),

    def action(self, user_input):
        self.message("Determining the appropriate task...")
        selected_task = self.whichTask(user_input)
        self.message(f"Identified task: {selected_task}")
        output = self.runTask(selected_task, user_input)
        self.message(f"Task output: {output}")

Here, whichTask() determines the right task based on user input, and self.message() sends output to the console.

Now, you can create AI Agents that handle multiple tasks efficiently!